Video podcasts for units (Solutions)

Unit 3 Town and country
Watch these fragments and make your virtual excursion.

Unit 4 Spotlight
Watch these trailers and answer the questions:
·                  Do you recognise any of the films or actors?
·                  What types of film are they?
·                  What types of film do you like?
·                  What types of film don't you like?
·                  What are the names of the films?

 Unit 6 Technology 
Watch video about different gadgets and answer the questions:
·                  Which of the devices did you see?
·                  Which of the devices have you used in the last week?
·                  Which three devices from this video do you think are the most useful?

Сокращения и аббревиатуры SMS
@ at MOB mobile
AFAIK as far as I know MSG message
ATB all the best MYOB mind your own business
B be NE1 anyone
BBL be back late(r) NO1 no one
BCNU be seeing you OIC oh I see
B4 before PCM please call me
BRB be right back PLS please
BTW by the way PPL people
C see RUOK are you okay?
CUL8R see you later SIT stay in touch
F2F face to face SPK speak
F2T free to talk THKQ thank you
FYI for your information TTYL talk to you
GAL get a life TX thanks
GR8 great U you
HAND have a nice day WAN2TLK want to talk?
H8 hate W/ with
IC I see WKND weekend
ILUVU I love you WU what's up?
IMHO in my humble opinion X kiss
JIC just in case XLNT excellent
JK just kidding XOXOX hugs and kisses
KIT keep in touch YR your
KWIM know what I mean 2NITE tonight
L8R later 3SUM threesome
LOL lots of luck / laughing out loud
WERV U BIN? PPL R starting to use SMS abbreviations all the time, OTOH not everyone understands what BCNU means. 2 SIT W/ SOM1 by MOB or email, SMS abbreviations R GR8. :-)
Where have you been? People are starting to use SMS abbreviations all the time, on the other hand not everyone understands what 'be seeing you' means. To stay in touch with someone by mobile or email SMS abbreviations are great.

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